

29 January-Jenkin's Ferry

So, today's park (if you can call it a park) was a bit of a dud. My parents and I (my sister was riding in the Little Rock Tweed Ride) drove for an hour up to Jenkin's Ferry. But then we got lost and drove in circles for another hour, while the townspeople gave us strange looks. When we finally made it (after asking for directions twice) it was a serious let-down. The entire park consisted of four plaques, one mucky river, and a stone thanking the Confederates. Brinkley, at least, enjoyed himself:  
We were angry at the signs, so my mum squished them.


22 January-Plantation Agricultural Museum

We were greeted with fog and rain on the day of our trip to the Plantation Agricultural Museum. We would have gone hiking at one of the outdoor parks, but we were all too cold. Unfortunately, I forgot to grab my camera when we were leaving, (bad, Carly!) so these photos were taken with an Android, which is why they look all funny. (Carly repeatedly slaps herself in the face and then wonders why she keeps referring to herself in the third person.)

Some of the towns we passed on the way to the museum were very, um, small.
The weather was ironically appropriate when we passed through England, Arkansas.
The museum was very informative about the "boll weevil war" that the cotton mill had to face. We were assured that Arkansas is now "98% boll weevil free." Good to know.
One of the displays was entirely devoted to methods on slaughtering farm animals.
Mum's favorite part was the information on the "suck man." 
She would say it to herself and then have to stop walking she was laughing so hard.
We decided that this would be a good outfit for a "hipster."


25 January-Petit Jean Park

Our second excursion was much more scenic at Petit Jean Park. 

And now it's time for boring facts by Carly: Petit Jean was actually a french woman who died and was buried there after stowing away on her husband's ship and disguising herself as a boy. Hence, the nickname, Petit Jean, which means "Little John" in French.
I must admit, it kind of annoys me that everyone calls it "Pettie Geen." I mean, really. That doesn't make it any less picturesque, though...
The main attraction of the park is really the waterfall, and you can see why.
It looks so real!
Just something about that rock...
Apparently it was "Eagle Awareness Week."